Volunteer And Contribution

You can show your commitment and support your alma mater in many ways. Make a positive impact in the LTS community by mentoring a student, providing field education or practicum opportunity, offering or becoming fundraising ambassador or simply lending a helping hand at alumni and LTS events.

  • Share you gifts and talents

Contribute your gifts and talents and leverage your personal network to help build the Seminary by taking part in special projects/initiative

  • Student Mentor

Assist in the all-round development of our students by becoming their mentor.

  • Offer Field Education/Practicum Opportunities

Provide our students with an opportunity to acquire practical training and field education.

  • Fundraiser

Fundraising is one of the most direct ways to solicit support for the Seminary.

  • Alumni Ambassador/Class Representative

Engage alumni and help them foster a life-long friendship with the alma mater.


Contact us

Rev. CHIU, Wai-Tak Michelle (Chaplain)Tel.:2684 3206Email:[email protected]
Ms. CHOW, Yue-Kam Piano (Assistant Chaplain)Tel.:2684 3207Email:[email protected]
Ms. LAM, Pui-Fan Phyllis (Development Officer)Tel.:2684 3208Email:[email protected]