Christian Spirituality



Since the 1980s, there began a surge of Christian spirituality among churches in Hong Kong. The enthusiasm has grown more intense in recent years, and many church activities are described with the word “spirituality”. It reflects, to some extent, Christians’ dissatisfaction with a Christianity just focusing on doctrines or on works (but are ineffective or make people exhausted). They long for a “down-to-earth” Christianity that can nourish spirituality and renew lives. Responding to the call, LTS provides programs focused on Christian spirituality for pastors and lay leaders who have a passion for spiritual formation ministries.


Target Students


  • Pastors and Christians who have a passion for spiritual formation ministries.
  • Pastors and Christians intend to serve in the spiritual direction (programs relating to Christian Spiritual Direction).




Program Features


Cold knowledge alone does not touch lives. Emphasis on personal experiences tends to be too subjective. Hence, to provide solid training to students in doing spiritual formation ministries, our programs encompass knowledge and theories, experiential learning, and practices for students to:


  • Study subjects related to Christian spirituality based on the Bible, theology and church traditions as well as theories of social science (especially of psychology) to enrich understanding of spirituality in daily living.
  • Know the process of life transformation through experiential learning to guide Christians to grow in spirituality.
  • Reflect on knowledge and theories critically, and integrate them with personal experiences.
  • Use knowledge and skills effectively to do spiritual formation according to context.
  • LTS’s Christian Spiritual Direction Program is a practical professional training program aimed at training students to be spiritual directors who can provide spiritual direction to Christians resolved to grow in spirituality, assisting them to have life transformation toward the freedom and richness in Christ.


Ideal Study Environment


  • Shatin and Tai Wai are busy urban districts, but LTS on the hill To Fung Shan, surrounded by the blue sky and green trees, is serene and beautiful. With its religious history and atmosphere, it is an ideal place for some quietness and theological study, especially to students of the Christian Spirituality Programs.