Christian Ethics

[version 2023.05]


CT1000 Introduction to Christian Ethics

An exploration of Christian ethics from both biblical and theological perspectives, for the purpose of clarifying our ethical decision-making in the present.


CT1001 Basic Christian Ethics

An exploration of Christian ethics from both biblical and theological perspectives with an introduction to ethical principles, for the purpose of analyzing and clarifying our ethical decision-making.


CT2000 Personal Ethics

An inquiry into Christian attitudes towards questions of personal ethics in relation to God, to self, and to other humans, including the topics of human sexuality, marriage and family, a healthy lifestyle, suicide, and euthanasia.


CT2001 Social Ethics

A study of Christian ways of understanding society and the role of the Christian in it, including issues relating to the state, war and peace, justice and the integrity of creation, work, medicine, and bio-technology.


CT2002/HT2002 Ethics of Martin Luther

See HT2002.


CT2003/CP2015 Christian Counseling Ethics

See CP2015.


CT2004 Embracing the Household of God

Western Christian thought is said to be compliant to the ecological crisis and climate change we are facing. Contextual Asian theologies have been focused on restoring the inter-connectedness of the whole creation. This course will empower students to reread the Christian tradition and get to know so-called eco-theologies.


CT3000 Global Ethics

This course will introduce students to key concepts and debates in global ethics. Some key global ethical issues will be explored; in particular, human rights, poverty, distributive justice, cosmopolitan democracy, governance, and humanitarian intervention.


CT3001 Ecological Theology

A study of basic biblical concepts and theological approaches to the calling of a Christian to be a steward of creation and the responsibility of the church to actively take part in the struggle to safeguard the natural environment.


CT3002 Ethics in Christian Ministry (4 credits)

This course is designed to enhance sensitivity and capacity to deal with the ethical issues in their ministry. Through case discussion, students contribute one another in learning how to deal with the common ethical issues in Christian ministry. Moreover, this course also tries to help students reflect on the use of power as a church pastor or leader.