Rev. Wong, Ka-Yu


Assistant Professor (Old Testament)


Tel: 2684 3254
Email: [email protected]


Dr. theol. Candidate, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
M.Th., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong, 2015.
M.Div., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong, 2013.



Assistant Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2024-.
Lecturer, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2023-2024.



Voluntary (ordained) Pastor, Chinese Evangelical Zion Church Tsz Wan Shan Zion Church, 2019-.
Ordained, 2019.
Voluntary Preacher, Chinese Evangelical Zion Church Tsz Wan Shan Zion Church, 2013-2019.


Research Interests:

The Twelve, in particular post-exilic prophetic books; Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History; Legal metaphors; Tradition-historical criticism.


Academic Article:

“Defendant, please answer the question – What the Lord’s words mean in Job 38-41?” Theology & Life 38 (2015): 235-270.


Book Chapter:

《爭辯(Rîb)、盟約訴訟(Covenant Lawsuit)還是法庭辯論(Court Disputation)?《瑪拉基書》作為舊約法律隱喻(Legal Metaphor)的個案研究》(“Rîb, Covenant Lawsuit or Court Disputation? Malachi as a Case Study of Legal Metaphors in the Old Testament”), in 何善斌 et al. eds.,《載道證道:周兆真院長榮休論文集》(Word in Life and a Life in the Word: A Festschrift in Honor of President Simon S.C. Chow), Hong Kong: Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2022, 333-358. (Chinese)