何善斌 博士




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保罗书信; 社群身分进路解读新约; 社会修辞释经法; 从原读者社会文化角度解读新约; 第一世纪地中海城市文化与社会生活; 敍事评鑑; 路加着作; 新约通用希腊文。





何善斌,张达民。《哥林多前书 (卷下)》。天道圣经註释。香港︰天道,2018。


Paul and the Creation of a Counter-Cultural Community: A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Cor. 5.1-11.1 in Light of the Social Lives of the Corinthians. Library of New Testament Studies #509. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015.


Tucker, Brian J. “Review of Paul and the Creation of a Counter-Cultural Community (2015), by Sin-pan Daniel Ho.” The Journal of Theological Studies 67.2 (2016): 729-731. https://doi.org/10.1093/jts/flw199


Prothro, James B. “Review of Paul and the Creation of a Counter-Cultural Community (2015), by Sin-pan Daniel Ho.” Religious Studies Review 43.2 (2017): 179-180. https://doi.org/10.1111/rsr.13002



“Moses and Christ in the Wilderness Narrative: Transformation of Religious Traditions in 1 Cor 10.”  Religions 2023, 14 (7): 906-919.  


〈侨民,乔迁,桥樑——从使徒行传看基督群体凝聚与分散的感染力〉。《山道期刊》第51期 (2023年6月): 页133-157。


“Changes in the Centurion on Paul’s Last Journey to Rome in Acts 27.”  Biblical Theology Bulletin 52.2 (2022): 99-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/01461079211018762


"Healthy Vs Hostile Social Differentiation: Insights from Social Identity Construction of Paul in First Corinthians." Pages 91-105 in Word in Life and a Life in the Word: a Festschrift in Honor of President Simon S. C. Chow.  HK: LTS, 2022. 


〈天灾人祸与基督社群身分的塑造:析读马可福音十一及十三章的敍事〉。《山道期刊》第48期 (2021年12月): 页31-53。


〈《和合本》: 感恩回顾与修订献议〉。周永健,李志刚等编。《〈和合本〉百周年记念文集》。香港︰联合圣经公会,2019,页320-329.


“Gerd Theissen’s Rich-Poor Notion Revisited: A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 11:17-22.”  Pages 137-152 in Matthew, Paul, and Others: Asian Perspectives on New Testament Themes.  Edited by William Loader, Boris Repschinski and Eric Wong.  Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press, 2019.  DOI: 10.15203/3187-66-5-08


Politeuma as a Hybrid Patriotic Identity in Christ: A Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of Phil 3:20.”   Biblical Theology Bulletin 49.2 (2019): 96-107.    https://doi.org/10.1177/0146107919831879


〈福音对城市信徒的挑战.   哥林多前书难题—保罗自打嘴巴?〉,《神学与生活》期37 (2014):页85-98。


Review of Impurity and Sin in Ancient Judaism (2000), by Jonathan Klawans,” in Theology and Life 37 (2014): 283-287.


〈同志释经的困局〉,《神学与生活》期36 (2013): 页189-202.

信徒造就讲座 / 文章︰


2023年7月21日  环球圣经公会 新约神学巡礼︰从新约看「不属世的入世使命」教会观


2022年9月8日   明道社 新约研经讲座︰《罗马书--公平福音,万国信从》。


2022年9月26日  信神教牧同工进修讲座︰《释经释出道--如何预备贴经贴地的释经讲章》。


2022年9月30日   基督教香港信义会第廿八届联校教师日 证道: 《离开自闭  心灵开窍  约四7-26》https://www.flss.edu.hk/?p=16154>






《差传起动  第二讲︰外族人也可来敬拜祷告: 马可福音十一11-20》2021年9月。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KxJ5BqHSEQ


〈腓利门书对今天城市教会的挑战〉。2019年4月26日 循道卫理联合教会香港堂、明道社 合办公开圣经讲座。


〈让哥林多前书向你说话〉。2016年7月29日环球天道机构 《让圣经向你说话》系列 公开圣经专题讲座。


〈神的义与人的自义〉,《基督教週报》释经讲道专栏约稿。3077期,2023 年 8 月 13 日。http://www.christianweekly.net/2023/ta2042880.htm




〈经歷基督如会幕般的临在〉,《基督教週报》释经讲道专栏约稿。2967期,2021年7月4日。  http://www.christianweekly.net/2021/ta2040617.htm


〈福音改写我的人生帐薄〉,《基督教週报》释经讲道专栏约稿。2928期,2020年10月4日。   http://www.christianweekly.net/2020/ta2039726.htm


〈疫情下神学教育的危机与契机〉,《基督教週报》教会触觉专栏约稿。2913期,2020年6月21日。  http://www.christianweekly.net/2020/ta2039400.htm











2023年3月13日 浸信会神学院第一届圣经会议《亚洲华人圣经研究面面观》,获邀在会议中简佈论文 “ Constructing Christ-followers’ Identity in a Spirit World: the use of ‘spirit’ language in 1 Cor 12:1-13” 〈在邪术风行的世界建构基督跟随者的社群身分︰林前 12:1-13 「灵」的运用〉.  This paper is substantially revised from a previous paper presented in SBL Annual Meeting, 2022.


"Constructing Christ-followers’ Identity in a Spirit World: the use of “spirit” language in 1 Cor 12:1-13."  Paper presented by invitation in Greek Language and Linguistic Unit, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, 2022.


"Moses and Christ in the Wilderness Narrative: Theological Resonance of 1 Cor 8:6 in 1 Cor 10." Paper presented in Theological Interpretation of Scripture Seminar / Pauline Theology Section, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, 2022. 


"Temple Action and Forgiveness Sayings as Social Identity Formation: Significance of Faith Prayer and Forgiveness Prayer in Mark 11:20-25 to the Gentile Readers." Paper presented in Writing Social-Scientific Commentaries of the New Testament Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, 2022. 


“God’s Righteousness Versus Jewish Civil Fairness: Paul’s Transformation of the Concept and Practice of Civil Justice for Christian Community in Rome.”  Paper presented in Pauline Theology: Paul on Justice, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2021.


2020年10月9日信义宗神学院週年神学讲座 〈福音的转向: 腓三20 「天国公民」的游说目的〉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqnJlXyOwzE2020年10月10日信义宗神学院週年神学研讨会:


“How Did Paul Deal with ‘Black Sheep’ in the Jewish Community and Christ-Follower Community? Implications to ‘Paul within Judaism’ Hypothesis. 《福音的转化︰保罗对待叛教者的态度》https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDDoDFPl4Dk&t=2714s 


“Governing Authorities as Neighbours: Rhetoric of Self-reflexive Commands in Romans 13:1-10.”  Paper presented in Writing Social-scientific Commentaries of the NT Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, 2020.


“How did Paul Deal with ‘Black Sheep’ in the Jewish Community and Christ-follower Community, and Why Does It Matter?”  Paper presented in Writing Social-scientific Commentaries of the NT Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2019.


“Healthy Vs Hostile Social Differentiation: Insights from Social Identity Construction of Paul in First Corinthians.” Paper presented in the international academic symposium “Modernity, Bio-Politics and Ethnic Identity.” School of Philosophy in Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC, 2019.


“Socio-rhetorical Reading of Politeuma in Phil 3.20: Beyond Anti-imperial Reading.”  Paper presented in Pauline Theology Section, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, 2018.


“The Rhetorical Purpose of Politeuma in Phil 3: A Hybrid Social Identity Approach.”  Paper presented in Writing Social-scientific Commentaries of the NT Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, 2018.


“Table of the Lord Versus Table of Demons: A New Proposal for the Necessity of Divisions in Eating the Lord’s Supper in 1 Cor. 11.17-22.”  论文在2018年10月19-21日于台北中原大学举行的新约研究学会亚太联委会第五届学术会议发表。是次学术会议的主题是《希罗经典在当代亚洲处境中的诠释与应用—耶稣运动以来重要文本之研究》。


〈城市冒起的耶稣群体:使徒行传与宣教〉。2017年1月27日信义宗神学院 公开学术专题讲座。


“Identity Changes of the e`katonta,rchj through the Voyage: the Message of Great Commission in Acts 27 to the First Readers.”  Paper presented in Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Seoul, 2016.


“Home-building in Christian Worship: A Discourse Analysis of 1 Cor. 14:20-25 in Light of the Domestic Cultic Practice in Roman Corinth.”  Paper presented in Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, 2014.


 “Interpreting 1 Corinthians 10:25-33 in Light of the Domestic Cultic Practice in the First Century Mediterranean World.”  Paper presented in the Inauguration Conference of APLC, SNTS in Hong Kong, 2014.